Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New ICG report on Kirkuk

Just 10 days after releasing their report on Muqtada as Sadr and the Nahdi army, ICG releases a report on the current situation in Kirkuk, it´s called Iraq and the Kurds, the brewing battle over Kirkuk


Blogger layal said...

أتمني ان نتبنى جميعا كمدونين كلمه واحده بتاريخ واحد نحدد فيه رأينا للعالم اجمع
اتمني ان ندون مدونه واحد بتاريخ 27/07/2006
كلنا كمدونين نكرر عباره واحده
كلنا مع لبنان وفلسطين ضد اسرائيل والمحتلين
بالعربي بالانجليزي المهم نسمع صوتنا للعالم
وان لم نستطيع حمل السلاح فالنحمل الكلمه
وبأي لغة نستطيع نشرها
We are with Lebanon and Palestine against Israel and occupiers
Nous sommes avec tous le Liban et la Palestine contre l’Israel et les occupants
Wir sind zusammen mit dem Libanon und Palästina gegen Israel und Besatzer
Somos todos con Líbano y Palestina contra Israel e inquilinos
تحياتي للجميع

7:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Haven't yet had a chance to read through the report, however, having been following recent events in the area, it seems as if that is going to be a trouble spot that will alight soon enough. Be it either Turkey or US as they try to resolve the whole issue surrounding the PKK, and the Kurds own desire for independence. Thanks for pointing it out.

1:16 AM  

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